Dog Doors in Timber Frame Glass Doors

Small Dog Door in a timber frame glass door

The most common timber frame glass doors we install dog doors into are hinged. These mostly always have timber beads around to hold the glass in.

I can safely say the most important part to mention when installing dog doors into timber frameglass doors is you will notice some minor scuffing.

Being timber and being a glass replacement there will be signs of repair or upgrade. The nature of timber denotes certain practices to remove the glass

These include

  1. cutting the old silicon from back of the glass
  2. Hopefully not but cutting the silicon underneath the beads. There’s nothing worse than beads that have been siliconed on. In some cases, the beads don’t make it and we need to put new beads on. Don’t worry, we carry a stock of beading in case this happens. (If we can, we always use the previous beading. this is standard practice in the glazing industry in Australia)
  3. Once the glass is fully out, we clean the rebate, this is often done with a sharp chisel.
  4. Once the rebate is fully cleaned out, we silicon all the way around the rebate and place the glass back into place, sitting tight against the rebate, squashing the silicon. In some instances we do a weather seal after the glass has gone in but before the beads are nailed back on. This involves sealing around the glass once it’s sitting back into the rebate.
  5. We then nail the beads, using a nail gun, which counter-sinks the nails and leaves a nice finish ready for you to paint or varnish.

Now the job is done, it’s time to get your dog to use the dog door. This is made easy by getting the size and hight right from the start. Call me for any questions.

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